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XRAY T3 2010
Verfasst: 30. Jan 2011, 12:45
von ced31
here are some pictures of the second hand Xray I received.
I have 2 bodyworks, one is a new one ie non painted.
some spare parts, and some tire sets .
bye !
Verfasst: 20. Feb 2011, 18:35
von ced31
Who is playing with graupner Genius GM 90 ?
I have connected the GM to my computer, and have seen the parameters.
The software tol d me that the current version is 4.8
I then have a look on a new upgrage : V13.1, but when applying the update, I have an issue, it seems that it does not work as the V13.1 version is for genius 90 II (version II)
Do you use such a ESC ??
do you have applied the modification (meaning sending back the esc to graupner, this is chargable) ...
I would appreciate to have a feedback, as I am a little bit lost.
Verfasst: 20. Feb 2011, 23:02
von TeKKi
I´m using the same Genius, with the same old software version (4.

I am using the standard Programs (2 or 3), since the PowerPrograms are forbidden in our Club Races, and it runs well. Sometimes it gives me little trouble in combination with the Lrp x11 17,5 Motor, but we´re not sure if it is the ESC or the Motor causing this stutter problems during acceleration.
I think it has something to do with the motor sensors and/or the cable sending the rotorposition to the ESC.
If you want to upgrade your ESC through GM, you have to pay a fee of, i think it was roundabout 20 Euro´s plus postal charges. They offer a good service and you get your ESC back after a short time.
It was not necessary for me to upgrade the Software but everybody here has another opinion about that
Greetz , Sacha
Verfasst: 21. Feb 2011, 09:41
von rcfuzzy
The 13.1 not go on your speedo, because the second generation have a new platine with more memo. The new speedo can Telemtrie. The last Version for your speedo is 8.0, ist come nearly to the new speedo, but when you want full power, you need a new one.
Verfasst: 21. Feb 2011, 13:18
von ced31
Thanks for the answer.
While searching on the internet, I have found same info than you
If you want to upgrade your GM 1 version, you need to ship it to graupner, and they will upgrade it by putting the V8 version.
Price is 20€
If you have a GM 2 version, you can upgrade it by yourself.
I am surprised to see that it is not possible. I have seen that physically, GM 1 and 2 are not the same.
Even though, verion 4.3 seems to works correctly ...
I will try it on the available motor I have : X11 17,5T
and the second one is a X12 10,5T (used in Toulouse track).

Verfasst: 2. Mär 2011, 19:19
von ced31
I would have a query:
I have discussed with one pilot of my curent club, and he asked me following question:
Are you allowed to use a timing dynamic ?
if yes, what would be the max value?
or do you use a 0° timing dynamic,
Verfasst: 2. Mär 2011, 19:52
von leguan
we use no timing dynamic..(Zero Mode, no Boost)
Verfasst: 2. Mär 2011, 21:43
von ced31
leguan hat geschrieben:we use no timing dynamic..(Zero Mode, no Boost)
thanks for the info.
Ok, hence, you do not use any boost mode.
I was asking such a question because as toulouse track is very long, they use dynamic timing that makes the car as a weapon !!! this is very impresive !
anyway, I have some difficulties to put a MODE with the boost, the car would be as a snail

compared to their car !